Saturday, October 16, 2010

LA Ink

Just the other day when I was home for fall break, I was flipping through the television channels and I came across a show on TLC called "LA Ink". I had never heard about the show before, and by the title, I knew it had something to do with tattoos so I wanted to keep watching. I watched two episodes and I found it to be a really intriguing show. From what I saw, the show is mainly about the tattoo artists lives at their shop, High Voltage Tattoo. The main tattoo artist, Kat Von D, is big in the tattoo world. The show is also about people coming to the shop and getting tattoos. The customers talk about what tattoo they are getting and the meaning behind the tattoo and its importance it has on their life.  I really enjoyed this show because it made me realize that people express themselves in all different ways such as playing sports, music, dancing, singing, art, etc. and the tattoo artists at High Voltage Tattoo express themselves with tattoos on their bodies along with tattooing other people. Each person on the show had a meaning for their tattoo, and I thought it really went well for my theme of "Beyond the Ink".

For all the tattoo lovers out there, I encourage you to check out their home page which gives the TV schedule, videos, fun games and quizzes, etc.

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